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Current Threats

Good morning,

I wanted to reach out to you regarding some ongoing/potential higher ed threats situations. Please see below:

  1. Early this morning, the University of Dallas received an email threat that is possibly tied to a current swatting investigation by the FBI. The credibility/viability of this threat is unknown, but the FBI is actively investigating. The names involved in the email are: Gavin Scott Cameron and Kylah McKenna Please reach out to Jennifer Baker - if you have any information/questions.

  2. Obviously, protests at Columbia University and other IHE continue with threats escalating. TACUPA would like to be the HUB of any discussions/rumors may hear in regard to your AORs. Additionally, we are working with one of our vendors that has expressed an interest in providing a webinar regarding this subject which may be a topic for the unforeseeable future.

Please let me know if TACUPA may assist your school/agency.

Best Regards,

Mike Smith, President




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